Travel Tip 44

How to develop travel intuition?

How to develop travel intuition?

I hear it all the time when I talk with other travelers about getting into sketchy situations. The advice is usually the same: “Just go with your gut.” I sincerely doubt that my intestines ever know what to do.

Here’s what works for me: I slow down.

The bad choices I’ve made while traveling, whether it’s where to go or what to do, were always made quickly. When I slow down and give myself time to think, I invariably make better choices.

It may come across as intuition, but it’s really just taking the time to think the situation through.

(Sorry today’s tip is short but this week I’m in Boise for my mom’s 75th birthday! Happy Birthday, Jill!)

Citizen science at Tambopata Research Center by Rainforest Expeditions Peru

I participated in a moth study called “Discovering New Species,” which is exactly what it sounds like.


The Tambopata Research Center

This was the third and final lodge of my recent adventure with Rainforest Expeditions and the perfect way to end the trip. The research center has resident teams of scientists working on several fascinating projects. Click on the blog title above to read everything you need to know to visit this amazing part of the rainforest.

Macaw nest at Tambopata Research Center by Rainforest Expeditions in Peru


See the World and Make a Difference

If the blog above didn’t make you sign up to visit the Tambopata Research Center yet, this New York Times article definitely will. It has several suggestions for where to participate in citizen science around the world and you already know which one I recommend.

Heather Jasper

Traveler, writer, and photographer.


Travel Tip 45


Travel Tip 43