Heather Jasper

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Travel Tip 66

3 things that are always in my carry on

Worst case scenario: I check my luggage and then my flight is cancelled and I’m stuck in an airport with only my carry on.

This is a follow up to last week’s travel tip about preparing for travel delays. Once you check your luggage, whether your flight is delayed or cancelled, you don’t usually have access to your stuff until you get to your destination, no matter how long that takes.

It’s not always the airlines’ fault either. On a flight from Bangladesh to Los Angeles, I missed my connection in Istanbul. I was rebooked on the same flight the next day, giving me 24 hours in Istanbul. Since I had checked my luggage through from Bangladesh to LA, I didn’t have access to any of my stuff and was stuck with only my carry on.

By then I was already a seasoned traveler and thankfully had everything on my list below with me.

1. Charge cords, camera and electronics

Okay this is more of a category of things than one thing, but I’m still lumping it all in together. Always, always have your phone charger with you. Depending on where you’re traveling, you might also need an electrical plug adapter. However, most airports now have charging stations that take a USB, the new universal plug. If you have a layover somewhere with unique plugs, like Argentina, you used to need a bulky universal adaptor, but now just take a charge cord that has a USB on one end.

2. Meds & toiletries

Have you ever been stuck in an airport for ten hours without a toothbrush? I haven’t but I imagine it wouldn’t be a good day. Last week’s travel tip was about how to make travel delays less painful and having some basic toiletries, like a toothbrush and deodorant, can make a bad day less bad. Even more essential than your phone charger, always, always have at least a week’s supply of your prescription meds with you in your carry on.

It is possible to take everything in your carry on luggage. This is what I packed for two weeks in Patagonia.

3. Change of clothes

If you hate carrying much through airports and prefer to check everything, at least have an extra pair of socks with you. I hate wearing the same socks for two or three days and know that I’m not the only one. For women who don’t want to carry extra underwear, take a few panty liners and just put in a new liner every time you wish you had clean underwear.  


Cusco Destination Guide

I wrote this destination guide for AwayAway, with plenty of hotel and restaurant recommendations. AwayAway skews towards luxury, which makes this guide fun to look at even if you’re not planning a trip to Cusco. 


Cusco Travel Tips

But if you actually are planning a trip to Cusco, you definitely need to read this blog. If you know anybody considering a trip to Cusco, please forward this newsletter to them!