Travel Tip 11

How to seek out cultural experiences.

You’ve decided on a destination, but how can you do more than just see the sights? Here’s how to find cultural experiences that will make your trip so much better! 

When people think of culture, the most obvious place to start is museums.

I’ve been to some fabulous museums around the world, but think of those as a starting point or maybe a way to compliment the cultural experiences you can find out in the real world.

My favorite part of any culture is the food.

The first step is to promise yourself that you won’t only go to international fast food chains. The second step is to do a quick search on traditional foods in the destination. Next, pick a couple highly rated restaurants or comb through blogs about the best restaurants. I’m a big fan of family restaurants that don’t appear on any rating website or blog, but I still start out at a well known restaurant, if possible. It gives me a good idea of what to look for when I go hunting for a hole in the wall.

If you really love, food, sign up for a day at a cooking school.

The farm-to-table cooking school I went to in Chiang Mai was absolutely the highlight of all my trips to Thailand! (Check out my Thailand blogs here).

Music is also an important part of every culture I’ve ever known.

See if there are concerts happening when you’ll be there or if there are places known for street musicians. Museums seem like an obvious way to learn about culture but look for specialized ones like Cidade da Musica (above), which I visited last year in Salvador, Brazil. (Check out my Brazil blogs here).

Dance is another beautiful way to get to know a culture.

There are frequent dance performances in Cusco’s main square and Andean dances are one of the best ways to get to know Peruvian cultures. There might be dance lessons where you’re going and if you’ll be in Buenos Aires you can’t miss a tango performance and lessons.

Besides food, music, and dance, check for theater performances and activities like the weaving demonstrations in Chinchero. (Check out my recent Chinchero blog to see what a weaving demonstration is like).

Ways to interact with cultures are as varied as cultures themselves. Wherever you’re going, take the time to look for cultural experiences. They’re often more memorable and interesting than taking a photo of the Eiffel Tower or even Machu Picchu.

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Heather Jasper

Traveler, writer, and photographer.


Travel Tip 12


Travel Tip 10