Huacarpay Marshes

In the rainy season, the paths to the bird blind are underwater.

In the rainy season, the paths to the bird blind are underwater.

In the dry season, the water is much farther away.

In the dry season, the water is much farther away.

Huacarpay marshes near Cusco Peru

Greater Yellowlegs

Tringa melanoleuca, locally called Piquicuy.

Birding at Huacarpay marshes near Cusco Peru

Black-Necked Stilt

Himantopus mexicanus, locally called Siguenela

Wetlands Huacarpay near Cusco Peru

Yellow-Billed Pintail

Anas georgica, locally called Chumpi Pato

Huacarpay birding wetlands near Cusco Peru

Heron and Gallinule

Little Blue Heron, garza azul

Huacarpay Ramsar wetlands near Cusco Peru

White Tufted Grebe

Podiceps rolland, locally called Zambullidor Pimpollo

birding at Huacarpay Ramsar wetlands near Cusco Peru

Cinnamon Teal

Anas cyanoptera, locally called Pucca Pato

Huacarpay birding marshes near Cusco Peru

Andean Duck

Oxyura ferruginea, also locally called Pucca Pato

Puna ibis at Huacarpay Ramsar wetlands near Cusco Peru

Puna Ibis

Plegadis ridgwayi, locally called Puna Ibis


How to get to Huacarpay?

The Huacarpay Marshes are only about an hour from Cusco. Get off at the corner of the main road right where the bus turns to go to Lucre. You will walk around the marshes, next to the road, towards Lucre. If you stay on the bus, you can start in Lucre and walk around the marshes back towards the main road.

Pachatusan bus to Huacarpay

Pachatusan Bus

Take the green and white Pachatusan bus that says Huacarpay & Lucre - not all busses go as far as Lucre. You can get the bus anywhere along Avenida la Cultura.

Heather Jasper

Traveler, writer, and photographer.


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