Buenos Aires

The Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires is a unique place with fabulous restaurants, thoughtful murals, lovely parks and fascinating history. The dark history of the recent dictatorship was just as visible as the more recent history of dealing with the aftermath. I only had a week in Buenos Aires, but I found fifteen new restaurants, cafés and bars which had opened in 2021. I visited parks, museums, hunted for street art and hid from the heat in luxurious bookshops and malls. Bookshops are not often called luxurious but if you’ve been to Buenos Aires, then you know what I mean. Below are some of my favorite finds from Buenos Aires, though I certainly couldn’t fit them all on one page.

Click here for reviews of restaurants, cafés and bars in Buenos Aires.

My favorite book stores are: El Ateneo, because it was a beautiful theater and Libros del Pasaje because they have old wooden shelves and a cute café

Street art in Buenos Aires is also fascinating and definitely something to seek out. Below are some stand alone murals that I happened across, plus a community center for autism covered with butterflies and some fabulous murals in Chinatown. I chose only 48 of the many, many pieces of public art painted around the city.

Unfortunately, my week in Buenos Aires happened to be during one of the worst heat waves the city has ever experienced. People turned up their air conditioners until the electrical system was overloaded and power cuts brought the sweltering heat inside. I hid in the basement of Galerías Pacifico (which didn’t lose power) and ate ice cream when the heat was too much for me. Galerías Pacifico, as you can see below, is a mall that is full of art.

Full story coming soon!

Heather Jasper

Traveler, writer, and photographer.


Ushuaia Hikes


Best Buenos Aires Restaurants